We offer a series of specially designed learning resources to accompany the Gallery’s Collection Displays and Exhibitions to support the integration of each exhibition into a wider classroom context.
These resources propose avenues of exploration that can be used to instigate debate, whilst keeping the lines of interpretation as open as possible.
The resources are divided into themes, each with interpretation and lines of inquiry relevant to either Foundation Phase to Key Stage 2 and to Key Stage 3+.
Teachers CPD
We are passionate about creative learning and the role arts has in education. If your school would like a bespoke event delivered as an inset day, please contact our Learning Team directly on 01792 516900, Daniel.McCabe@swansea.gov.uk. We look forward to hearing from you.
Schools can apply for up to £1000 to pay for up to 90% of the costs for your school to visit cultural venues and participate in activities.
Find out more about the Arts Council of Wales ‘Go and See’ Grant.
Additional Resources
Celc helps teachers and artists work together to develop pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills through the expressive arts.
The Celc Toolkit is full of inspiring ideas, useful links and practical guidance to support your class in new, fun and engaging ways.
Current Learning Resources
The Mary Rose:
Foundation – KS3 Teacher’s Learning Resource