Tuesday 21 February 2023
11:00 am - 3:30 pm
Visit the Gallery this half term for a series of free drop-in workshops for all the family.
Part of a programme of activities to accompany our current exhibition, His Dark Materials: World Building in Wales, in partnership with Bad Wolf Ltd, IJPR Media and Screen Alliance Wales.
Fantasy Painting and Drawing
11:00 – 13:00, 13:30 – 15:30
Create an imaginative 2D artwork using collage, printmaking and drawing. Inspired by the props and documents created by the Bad Wolf team in His Dark Materials.
Drop in workshop, no booking required (limited materials available)
Age 4+
Under 10’s must be accompanied by an adult
Free, £3 donation welcome
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please bring refreshments with you as our café will be closed.